The large difference for women experiencing depression at twice the rate as men is due to the cycle of depression. When trouble strikes, women tend to think men tend to act
I really feel the difference can be both biologically and socially based because a women suffers more than a man. Women can ruminate about anything and everything, about appearance, our family, our career, our health.
I do feel that it is possible that women are simply more willing to admit to being depressed than men. As a researcher I would asses men and women who have gone through similar traumatic situations that would could possibly cause depression. I would record how likely or unlikely a women would be willing to admit and even seek medical attention for depression.
I would choose this method because it best rates and measures between men and women which one are more willing to admit they are depressed.
The measures I would take to minimize the anticipated reporting problems would be a reinforcer or bonus. maybe offering a reward some material item or something extra to help minimize their depression.
The biological factors that might account for womens greater susceptibility to depression could be because women have more vivid recall for both wonderful and horrid experiences.
The social factors that might account for womens greater susceptibility to depression could be the fact that women worry and ruminate more about how they are compared to others. Their families, career and health are all a part of it too.
Depression becomes much more common in women after adolescence, a womens period and hormonal changes within her body may account for this change.